
Legal Aspects Of Setting Up A Business In RAK Free Zone

When considering business setup in the Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Free Zone, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the legal aspects and regulations that govern this process. RAK Free Zone, located in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates, offers a conducive environment for investors, but compliance with the legal framework is crucial.

Business activities and licensing:

The first legal aspect to consider is the selection of your business activity and the corresponding license. RAK free zone company setup provides licenses for a wide range of business activities, including trading, consultancy, industrial, and general trading. Ensure that your chosen activity aligns with the license you apply for.

Legal structures:

RAK Free Zone offers several legal structures, including Free Zone Company (FZC), Free Zone Establishment (FZE), and branch of an existing company. The legal structure you choose will impact ownership, liability, and operational flexibility.

Ownership and share capital:

Understanding the legal requirements for ownership and share capital is crucial. In many cases, businesses in RAK Free Zone allow 100% foreign ownership, but specific sectors may have ownership restrictions. The minimum share capital requirement varies based on your chosen business activity.

Commercial regulations:

Familiarize yourself with the commercial regulations in the free zone. This includes compliance with trade and industry-specific laws and regulations that govern your business activity.

Corporate governance:

Comply with corporate governance guidelines and maintain proper record-keeping and financial reporting practices as per the requirements of RAK Free Zone authorities.

Visa and immigration:

If you plan to hire employees or require visas for yourself and partners, understanding the visa and immigration regulations is vital. RAK Free Zone provides visa and immigration services to facilitate this process.

Commercial lease:

If you require office or warehouse space, it’s essential to understand the legal aspects of commercial leases within the free zone. Ensure that the lease agreements are in compliance with the local regulations.

Setting up a business in RAK Free Zone offers numerous advantages, but navigating the legal aspects is essential to ensure a successful and compliant business establishment. By understanding and adhering to the legal framework, you can capitalize on the benefits of the free zone and position your business for growth and success in the UAE.